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Dog Lies Down When Sees Other Dogs (Why and How to stop)

Does your dog lay down when they see other dogs? This can be problematic, particularly if you are walking your pooch when it occurs. There are several reasons why your dog may be laying down like this. These include fear or a desire to play.  Why does my dog lie down when he sees other …

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Can Female Dogs Orgasm?

The experience of procreation differs depending on the parties involved. People experience sex differently than animals do. That sentiment holds true for dogs. Still, you may be a bit curious about how your pet experiences that aspect of life. Is that something they derive pleasure from or is it merely something they are driven to …

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Why Is My Dog’s Stomach Gurgling but Won’t Eat?

If your dog’s stomach has been gurgling for a while and it still doesn’t want to eat, it could be a sign that your pup is feeling sick. There are several things that can cause this problem, including gastritis, pancreatitis, and intestinal obstruction. In this article, we will discuss the most common causes of gurgling stomachs in …

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Can Dogs Eat Chicken Gizzards? The Ultimate Guide

Feeding your dog a balanced and nutritious diet is a pivotal aspect of ensuring their long-term health and happiness. While traditional dog food provides a significant portion of their dietary needs, pet owners often seek to supplement their pets‘ meals with additional proteins and nutrients. Among the myriad of options available, chicken gizzards emerge as a noteworthy supplement. Let’s delve into the benefits and considerations …

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Why do dogs want to lick your cuts, scabs, or wounds?

You have a cut, and your dog is determined to lick it. You may be flattered, or even disgusted by the prospect. Regardless of how you feel about your pooch’s advances, you are bound to wonder why your dog wants to lick your wounds.  Why do dogs want to lick your cuts, scabs, or wounds? …

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Why are dogs more loyal than cats?

Dogs have a reputation for being man’s best friend. They are believed to be extremely loyal. Dogs are known to develop extremely close relationships with their owner, while cats are seen as loners. Are these reputations deserved? Are dogs really more loyal than cats?  Why are dogs more loyal than cats? Both dogs and cats …

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How old is too old to spay or neuter a dog?

If you have an older dog, you want to make sure that there are no unexpected litters in the future. Many veterinarians want you to spay or neuter your pup. It can provide some health benefits, and it helps to reduce the unwanted pet population. However, spaying and neutering is recommended for younger dogs, but …

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Can dogs eat ground beef? (Cooked or Raw)

The short answer is “yes,” dogs can eat cooked ground beef. There are a lot of caveats though, and it should be given to them in moderation. Dogs are natural meat-eaters. They love meat, and probably don’t care whether it is cooked or not. Many dog foods have meat flavors, such as beef, pork, or …

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What happens if my dog eats an m&m?

M&Ms are among the most popular chocolate treats ever made. Many of us are familiar with those multi-colored beads packed with chocolate and other goodies. If you ever get that craving for some good chocolate, a handful of M&Ms can really hit the spot. Grabbing a handful of M&Ms can cause some spillage. That’s not …

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What to do if my dog ate a chocolate protein bar or powder?

Dogs are notorious for getting into things they shouldn’t. If you leave a protein bar on your counter, your pooch may help themselves. You may mix a protein drink and step away for a minute, only to find that your dog has helped themselves to your shake.  Many protein bars and shakes are chocolate flavored. …

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Do neutered dogs get along with unneutered dogs?

Many pet owners get their dog neutered in an effort to reduce aggression. However, this doesn’t always work out the way they planned. It can be particularly problematic when a neutered dog is around an intact male.  Do neutered dogs get along with unneutered dogs? Some neutered dogs get along well with unneutered dogs. However, aggression …

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How much pumpkin should I give my dog for constipation?

If your dog is constipated, you want to help them find relief. You may have heard about pumpkin as a home remedy for canine constipation, and wonder if it will help your dog. You’ll also need to know how much pumpkin to give your dog to treat constipation.  How much pumpkin should I give my …

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Do dogs shed more after being spayed?

Spaying your dog is one of the best decisions you can make for your pet’s long-term health. The aforementioned procedure yields different benefits that will improve your dog’s quality of life. A spayed dog is more likely to avoid certain infections and even mammary cancer. Once you’ve decided that you don’t want your dog having …

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Can a dog climb stairs after neutering or spaying?

Spaying and neutering are procedures that can help keep your pets healthy as they age. The aforementioned procedures can lower their chances of developing certain conditions that negatively impact their quality of life. If you don’t intend to breed your pet dog, spaying or neutering them when they reach the appropriate age is a good …

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Why are my dog’s back legs longer than the front?

Dogs have legs – four, to be exact – and they sure know how to use them. Have you noticed dogs often have longer legs in the back? Canine bodies form in a unique way that enables them to move fast, run, and jump. Let’s look at some common questions related to the length of …

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Can an unvaccinated puppy be around a vaccinated dog?

A puppy is a baby dog. Like any baby animal, it requires special care and nurturing as its tiny body continues to grow and adjust to the world. Therefore, you must deal with not only vaccinating your puppy but what safety precautions you should take before vaccination. Let’s look at some common questions dog owners …

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Why is my dog’s nose foamy?

Pet parents spend a significant amount of time worrying about their canine companions. Your dog can’t tell you what’s wrong, so when you see signs of a potential health issue, it can be scary. In many cases, nose foaming isn’t anything to worry about. However, there are some dangerous potential causes, including poisoning and rabies.  …

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Why do dogs have bald bellies?

There will always be aspects of the animal kingdom that puzzle and shock human beings. We live in awe of other species, and we constantly strive to understand how they think, function, and evolve.  Dogs have been our faithful companions for centuries. We rely on them for unconditional love and loyalty. Not only are they …

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11 Reasons why your dog barks at night (Suddenly, At nothing, For no Reason)

When my dog was younger, it would bark throughout the night. Not knowing the cause was troubling for me and it prevented me from being able to sleep at night. In my dog’s case, it turned out to be a problem with the room it was sleeping in. For your dog, it is actually possible …

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9 Reasons why your dog wakes up so early (And how to stop it quickly)

If your dog keeps waking up early you might be wondering why and what you can do about it. This post will show you nine common reasons why they do it and what you can do to get it to stop. It is actually possible that there is a combination of causes at play. However, …

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How to keep a Rottweiler entertained

If you are thinking of getting a Rottweiler or you have recently gotten one then you’re probably wondering how to keep it entertained. So, how to keep your Rottweiler entertained? To keep your Rottweiler entertained it would help to give it lots of exercise to prevent it from becoming hyperactive. Then you can keep it …

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21 Golden Retriever Mixes (With Pictures)

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds. This post will show you 21 of the most popular Golden Retriever mixes. 1 Golden Retriever + Great Dane Mix = Great Golden Dane 2. Golden Retriever + Chow = Golden Chow Retriever 3. Golden Retriever + Springer Spaniel = Spangold Retriever 4. Dachshund + …

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Why Does My Dog Sleep Between My Legs? Your Ultimate Guide

As social creatures bonded to their human families, dogs often display a plethora of behaviors that reflect their deep-seated pack instinct and basic emotions. Among these behaviors, the tendency of a dog to sleep between its owner’s legs is one that combines a quest for comfort with complex psychological cues. This article aims to unravel this behavior, exploring the intricacies from separation anxiety to the warmth of companionship, and how understanding …

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Why does my dog sit on me?

If your dog won’t stop sitting on you, this post will show you why and what you can do about it. So, why does my dog sit on me? Possible reasons why your dog sits on you are that it wants attention, is bored, has separation anxiety or you might have inadvertently rewarded the behavior. …

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How to keep your husky entertained

If you are thinking of getting a husky or you have recently gotten one then you’re probably wondering how to keep it entertained. So, how to keep your husky entertained? To keep your husky entertained you should start by giving it lots of exercise to prevent it from becoming hyperactive. Then you can keep it …

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Do huskies need a lot of attention?

If your thinking of getting a husky then you’re probably wondering whether or not they require a lot of attention. So, do huskies need a lot of attention? Yes, huskies need a lot of attention when compared to other breeds. They normally need a lot of exercise to be properly stimulated and vets will normally …

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Why your husky is disobedient and what to do about it

If your husky is being disobedient then you’re probably wondering why and what you can do about it. This post will give you a number of reasons why your husky might be disobedient and some things that you can do to stop it. So, why is your husky disobedient? There are a number of possible …

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What happens if my dog ate a whole chicken wing?

You are enjoying some chicken wings. You get up for just a moment. When you come back, you find your dog helping themselves to your meal.  You know that chicken wings are bad for dogs, so you are worried. What happens when a dog eats a chicken wing? What should you do?  What happens if …

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